Four posters designed by 十大网络娱乐平台注册 students for the 维格纳里90 exhibit.
Posters designed for the 维格纳里90 online exhibit by (l-r) 埃里克·卡斯塔涅达, 詹姆逊Officer-Thurston, 凯琳·格罗斯基和乔伊·温顿.

Before stepping into William Truran’s spring 2022 Graphic Design IV course, 乔伊·温顿, 詹姆森,瑟斯顿警官,22岁, Kailyn Groski and 埃里克·卡斯塔涅达 hadn’t heard much about Massimo Vignelli. But they had certainly seen his designs.

Vignelli created the graphics and diagrams for New York City’s subway system. He designed logotypes for American Airlines and Bloomingdale’s, and implemented a design system used in unifying U.S. 国家公园出版物. His, and his wife Lella’s, work brought modernism to the U.S. and has inspired countless designers through the 20th and into the 21st century.

You can learn more from the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Vignelli Center for Design Studies. Or you can talk to Truran — he completed his masters degree at RIT, and brought an enthusiasm for Vignelli with him from the east coast to his classroom as an assistant professor at Doane.

Poster designed by 詹姆逊Officer-Thurston, in the style of Massimo Vignelli's Unigrid design system.
詹姆逊Officer-Thurston, 谁是2022年5月毕业的, designed his poster for the 维格纳里90 in homage to the Unigrid design system Massimo Vignelli created to unify the U.S. 国家公园出版物.

Which is how he learned that a global, digital exhibit celebrating Vignelli’s 90th birthday and legacy (he died in 2014; Lella died in 2016) was in the works by Uruguayan designer Amijai Benderski, along with designers Santiago Ternande and Juan Martín Lusiardo.

“We found out probably a year and a half, two years ago that he [Benderski] was going to do this,特兰说, 当时他还在RIT. “It was really cool because there was no gatekeeping. 任何人都可以加入, anyone who thought Vignelli was important, or anyone whose professors thought Vignelli was important, 能参加吗.”

维格纳里90 exhibit was open to artists around the world to submit an A2-size design showcasing their vision of Vignelli’s legacy — 252 posters were received from artists in 46 different countries, ranging from undergraduate students to professionals with decades-long careers.

A red poster designed by 埃里克·卡斯塔涅达 inspired by Massimo Vignelli.
埃里克·卡斯塔涅达, who will graduate in December 2022, designed his poster for the 维格纳里90 exhibit in bold red, with a nod to graphics created by Vignelli for the New York City subway system.

的 students in Graphic Design IV started by re搜索ing Vignelli. Posters were due in mid-February and the full exhibit launched just before the end of the semester in May.

“It was exciting to try and figure out a way to design a single piece of art that ‘summarizes’ the entire design career of another person,温顿说. “作为一个艺术家/设计师, having more empty space than content is a concept that I am slightly uncomfortable and unfamiliar with. Finding a way to create a poster that reflects Vignelli's style and values while also making it my own was a good challenge.”

Red poster designed by 乔伊温顿 and inspired by Massimo Vignelli.
乔伊温顿, who enters his senior year this fall, was inspired by one of Vignelli's quotes, "I have always said that there are three aspects of Design that are important to me: Semantic, 句法与语用."

Winton said it was also challenging to use fewer design elements — he chose to use a minimal color palette highlighting a quote from Vignelli, 带有微妙的几何韵味. Groski chose to echo the subway diagram. Officer-Thurston was influenced by the National Parks posters, and included several of Vignelli’s quotes. Castaneda went with a bold red and a nod to the subway graphics.

Poster designed by Kailyn Groski inspired by Massimo Vignelli's diagrams for the New York City subway system.
Kailyn Groski, who will enter her senior year this fall, designed her poster for the 维格纳里90 exhibit based on the diagrams created by Vignelli for the New York City subway system.

大家都很兴奋, 我认为, 在所有的地方,特兰说, 投入到项目中去, even though it was different and coming toward the end of their college careers. “的y all did quite a bit of re搜索 beforehand, 我认为这很有帮助, and can be seen through their projects.”